Mary Moorefield

Worry, and then choose to BE HAPPY

A thoughtful seed cultivated just for you…

Monday night I was laying in bed deciding whether I had the energy to wash my hair or not and I had a ‘thoughtful’ thought. Do you ever have one of those? The type of thought that hits you so clear and simple and and you look over your shoulder wondering…where did that come from? As if someone else, I like to believe its my grandmother, just whispered it into your ear.

I had just finished a two day hosting workshop, I had a great conversation over lunch with someone I met in class and will probably never see again (we didn’t exchange numbers which was a mistake), where I heard an array of personal life stories and paths. Meeting new people outside of my regular social circle was inspiring and expanded my idea of what success can be defined as.  I met a mother who quit her day job to produce, write, and direct her first feature film to set an example for her kids who were struggling with self acceptance and worth. Also, I met a woman who flew in for the class from Arizona. She didn’t care what the cost or doubt her skills, she just knew this was something she wanted and put her money where her mouth was.

So while I was laying in bed wrestling with going to bed or washing my hair this is the thought my Grandmother whispered in my ear…

Why do we say to ourselves “I’m not happy with my life”? As if our life is a car and we can just trade it in for a new one. We don’t get another life, we don’t get another moment to do things differently. The fact is, this IS YOUR life, you should be happy IN your life. We have a choice to be HAPPY or miserable with what we have been given and you have the power to make that choice.

Tools you will need for this project:

When you’re in a ‘down turn’ or being overly critical of a choice you made, after you allow the immediate emotional reaction to be released (this moment is a MUST and should not be suppressed) ask yourself this…”do I want to experience this moment positively with love and hopefulness or do I want to be dragged down with it?”

4 Responses to “Worry, and then choose to BE HAPPY”

  1. Alex Jones

    Worry is a form of fear, and it always happens that it is 90% waste of energy and time, since what we fear never happens.

    • Mary M

      Thanks for reading and commenting! Worry IS a form of fear and we all have it. We just need the tools to get through it.
      This is my first blog and you are my first comment…thanks for the encouragement! It makes me feel that I am doing the right thing.

      • Alex Jones

        Keep doing what you are doing. If you have passion in writing your blog will blossom.

  2. funkophile

    Brava Mary! Your first blog and post! Keep expressing your thoughts and creativity. I saw this quote today and it made me think of you.

    “Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do.”


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